My reviews will be coming soon sorry for the delay, I've been busy doing mummy duty's.
So make up i don't know many women who are not in love with it, but due to busy life styles and long hours at work some people do not have the time, for a long beauty routine but even a bit of blush and mascara can make you feel and look beautiful.
You don't have to spend hours in front of the mirror, make up gives you the confidence that most people feel they lack, and living in the times we do now, if we don't look presentable we may not get the respect in the work place,and other social areas for not making an effort and embarrass the beauty we have.It has become a daily ritual to millions of women and even a few men, lets face it who does not want to feel beautiful and have eyes on them, in envy or even lust.
Make up has been popular since the Egyptian times, the faro's wore makeup to show power among society, and from then it has been developed so much more, but the reasons behind still stay the same in a sense.
The reason and choice for wearing make up is down to each individual, but for me i feel more presentable and it gives me the confidence that sometimes i lack, but with or with out make up every one is beautiful in there own way may it be on the inside or there outer skin.
If you have a passion and love for make up embrace it, don't let it go if it make's you happy, live to be different and use make up to show the person you are.
Thank you for reading
Emma x
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