Here are just a few top beauty tips that i have found, i have tried a few out. If you give them a go let me know if they work for you.
1.Freeze your eyeliner, does it crumble when your applying it? pop it in the freezer 15 mins before use it should then glide along your lash line smoothly.
2. De-puff your eyes with raw potato, Cut two clean slices and apply them under yours eyes for 10 mins and it will reduce the puffiness.
3. Do not use make up sponges, they soak up more product, use a foundation brush instead it allows a more even and prestigious application.
4. Avoid overly rosy cheeks, give yourself a natural glow so start your brush two fingers widths away from your nose. Only apply on the apples of your cheeks this will give you a natural glow with out going too over the top.
5. Keep your misbehaving brows in place, spritz an old tooth brush with hairspray then brush your brows in your desired style even the most stray hairs will stay put.
6. You have no makeup remover? try lotion, use body lotion instead it does work especially on tough mascara.
7. Don't pop it, do not pop your spots, you have more chance of scaring if you pop them, it will also spread bacteria to other parts of your face causing more spots.
8. Use a flat iron to create curls, not only can you use them to straighten your hair, but also achive beautiful curls.
9. Microwave lotion in to luxury, if you can't afford a spa day, put your favorite lotion in the microwave for 10 seconds make sure its not to hot, apply and relax.
10. Tweezing tips, before you begin tweezing soften your skin, dab your skin with a cotton wall ball soaked in warm water or lotion, do it in the direction of your hair growth.
Hope you enjoy these helpful tips.
Thank you for reading
Emma x
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