Monday, 27 October 2014

Healthy skin

Keeping your skin fresh, beautiful and healthy! 

Some tips on how to do this, hope your enjoy and find them helpful.

1. Eat less sugar, its the added sugar that will harm your skin, cut down and eat more fruit.

2. When you can sit in the sun, yes too much is bad fr your skin, but not enough is also bad for you.

3. Fish will create oils that will clean your skin and help get rid of the bad oils, Salmon being one of the best it will help, hair eyes teeth and skin.

4. Use facial cleansers, try a few different ones until the get the right one for you.

5. Plenty of water, keep hydrated its good for you and your skin.

6. Don't over wash your face, as you will wash all the natural oils out.

7. Cut back on acidic food, it can affect skin, weaken bones and muscles. 

Thank you for reading. 

Thank you for reading, hope you find these tips useful.

Emma x

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