Friday, 7 November 2014

Complimentary Lipcote.

Hi Lovely's

Today i received my complimentary LipCote product, i found them on Google and decided to e-mail them to see if they would be kind enough to send me a sample.

What i received was a cute little bottle of Lipcote which is a new vanilla fragrance also they sent me a card holder which is lovely! 

I have never tried this product before but as a lover of lipstick i needed to try it as there is nothing worse then having to keep re-applying more through out the day.

How it works:

Lipstick fixed, in a few simple steps.

1. Apply your lipstick and blot with a tissue, repeat.
2. Evenly brush quick drying Lipcote over and slightly beyond lipstick.
3. Keep lips apart while the Lipcote drys.

This bottle is a 7ml size and there is enough for 100 applications per bottle.

My opinions: 

The above steps are on the back of the packaging so i followed these simple steps to make sure i got the best results. 

After completing these step's my lipstick only came off on to tissue the tiniest little bit! My lips smelt gorgeous as well and didn't have a tacky feel to them which i was happy about.

I am so happy to have had the opportunity to  try LipCote what an amazing product, i will always have a bottle of this in my makeup collection and most certainly be applying this when i wear lipstick! 
This i whilst blotting on tissue, before LipCote is applied. 

This is after LipCote has been applied and dried. 

Thank you for reading.

Emma x

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